
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news..." Romans 10:15

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Visual Feast

Beautiful walkway in Kep...a seaside paradise

The friendliest cat...just wanted some love and to sleep on my purse

Best welcome ever to the Minefield by this beautiful lady with hugs and kisses ; )

my favorite flower

isn't he cute...he has a spunky attitude to go with that smile

school in the Minefield

Ladies who provide fresh crab for the tasty crab shacks in Kep
You are thankful you can't smell this fruit...Durian is not my favorite.

One of the stalls in the market...all kinds of dried shrimp and other 'tasty' treats

finally I have a picture of a Tuk Tuk...this little carriage could make you feel like royalty favorite of all time!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Come to Jesus

The term "come to Jesus"  often has a negative connotation... a meeting that is life changing yes...most often turns out for good...but not something we would want to experience with any sense of regularity.  The term is most often combined in a phrase like this.  "It's time to have a meeting, a come to Jesus meeting!"  The intended recipient of this meeting has likely done something, maybe repeatedly, that warrants a meeting with their Creator.  The words seldom refer to the speaker, but refer to some other individual that they are in relationship with who needs to make a change, who needs to be held accountable for their actions.  The implied outcome of the meeting, is that Jesus is going to shape them up!

But the words COME TO JESUS are some of  the sweetest words you and I could ever hear...and they are just the words our world needs to hear.  Once we truly come, come to Jesus our lives are never the same.  As we continue to come to Jesus our lives are never the same.  As we help others come to heart leaps, tears well in my eyes, and I hold my breath...our lives are never the same.  The Creator meeting with His created ones. 

I come to Jesus for...

abundant Life

I come to Jesus with...

All of me

Take a listen to this song...

Come to Jesus...Chris Rice


We all need Come to Jesus meetings every moment of every day!

My heart aches to share Jesus with the women and children of Cambodia.  That they have a Creator who longs for them to know Him...He wants them to come to Himself.

Monday, October 3, 2011

it's the little things

I just returned from a wonderful time in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  My SE Asia team all live there and I get to visit then from time to time...this was one of those times. 

It was the little things that really blessed me...

a comfortable place to stay
the quiet
the snails on the path to my room
conversations with new but dear friends and co-workers
celebrating a 10th birthday
mexican food
hanging out with a family
walking/jogging in a neighborhood
foot massages
connecting with the women on our team
italian food
the birds communicating
a shopping mall
...just to name a few...
The only American chain restaurant we have in Cambodia is KFC...and they don't carry diet coke...but Bangkok Airport had a fountain drink for me...and a whopper and fries.  A little slice of home that I avoid when in the States but felt compelled to indulge in while in Asia: ) 

Chiang Mai has a wonderful place to get your toes done...Amazing... reminds me of Coco's on Okinawa : )

Great dinner out in the "Jungle" amazing place with an amazing team!

It wasn't all fun a games ; )  We did some work as well.  Here were are lovely accommodations for those team sessions.

It's the little things that add up to huge blessings.  It was great to be in Chiang Mai...and to connect as a team!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Killing Fields

Below are some pictures and stories about the Reign of Terror of the Khmer Rouge from 1975-1979.  Over 2 million people lost their lives during this time.

It's hard to know what pictures to I have only included a few to help tell the story. 

Caution...the following pictures and stories are hard to view...please feel no obligation to continue.

This is the former secret Khmer Rouge prison, which was given the code name S-21.   Prior to  1975 this was a high-school...interesting that they chose a school for a they strategically removed those that had any education.  These buildings are now a memorial to those who lost their lives here.   It is an understatement to say this is a hard place to explore.

Another view of S-21 now called the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum.  Only 7 people were found alive in 1979, two of them are still alive today.  Their stories combined with all that was found on site create a very bleak picture of life in this prison.  One survivor just passed away this month, he was a painter and his pictures tell a gruesome story.

Early on in this genocide there were too many bodies to be buried in the city.  So they started transporting live prisoners to their death outside the city.  This is one of the mass graves that was discovered.   This whole area is called the Killing Fields, with hundreds of mass graves. (every little valley you see in this picture is a mass grave)

Not all the bodies have been recovered...and every rainy season as the earth is washed away...their remains come to the surface.  It's hard to see in this picture...but here are some clothes.

Some more clothes coming to the surface here in this picture.  Words fail me as I try to describe what it's like to walk around these fields...the bodies are literally right under your feet...not carefully and lovingly laid to rest...but brutally thrown into a heap after suffering atrocities I can't even begin to understand.

Skulls that have been recovered.

This is the Pagoda that now holds the remains of many of the dead. 

Cambodia is forever marked by this genocide.  Every person living today that is at least 30 years old, has a Khmer Rouge story, but everyone has a connection.  The country is still trying to recover. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vacation at the Beach

I was very blessed to be able to have a weekend at the beach last month.  It had been awhile since my toes had touched sand and sea.  The beach is one of my favorite places to go and just listening to the waves soothes my soul. 

It was so nice to get out of the city and relax.  Hope you are all getting some opportunities to rest and relax with Jesus and some of His wonderful creation. : )

And He said, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."  Exodus 33:14

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A trip up North : )

the Ladies from Okinawa here for a short term mission trip
They are from our Cadence Hospitality House, the Harbor

The ice cream man in a province close by..notice the recycle truck
in the background...his truck was full of plastic water bottles.

catching a ride with mom

this sweet lady liked the jump rope : )

the Cambodia traditional scarf (kromah) worn by a sweet military wife

So glad to see her smile, the first day of ministry she couldn't keep the tears from coming.
Day 2 she said she was doing much better.  She asked us to pray for her situation with her husband. 
I look forward to getting to know her better in the future.

(pictures were not taken by me...borrowed from the team from Okinawa : )

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A few more glimpses of Cambodia...
A rainy Tuk Tuk ride

my neighbor ; )

This past weekend a Cadence group from Okinawa, Japan ministered at one of our Military Camps.   They allowed me to join them.  I will share more about that time soon.  Suffice it to say it was great to be with the women!!!

This trip allowed me to experience some firsts...My first time out of the city since moving here.  I was able to take some breaths of fresh air.  My ears were able to rest from the constant barrage of noise.  One night all I heard were crickets! : )

On the drive up, our driver decided that we needed to experience the road side corn on the cob stand.  So a sweet little lady sold us 10 ears for $1...all cooked in their husks and ready to eat.  It was a tasty treat.r

I also experienced my first Cambodian bus ride.  Which was all in all a pleasant experience.  Had the young man in front of us turned down his cell phone ringer, it might have been more peaceful, but if I had slept I would have missed some of the scenery. ( A few window shots are below).

It was great to get out of the city...great to be doing some ministry with the military and great to have a team in town. : )

a visit to the these guys!

The bus ride home...planting rice

rice fields and palm trees...beautiful!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More fun photos of Cambodia

Sweet little love seat, with a view
I have an APARTMENT!
Queen size bed
It is a fully furnished studio.  It had pretty much everything I needed, and the timing was perfect.
Washing Machine

A little taste of my walk home from school
Dryer ; ) 
a very small part of the journey has a sidewalk
We called these Flame trees growing up...I noticed some little girls were using the tiny little leaves to 'cook' with.  I used to do that do : ).
These are everywhere right now...just be careful the branches have huge thorns

All in all a beautiful walk...I didn't focus on the traffic or the dirt and grime of this busy 3rd world city.  I will save that for another day.  Beauty is everywhere, if we know where to look!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pictures From Cambodia

Some sights from my first few days...

It is pretty Foreign to me...but I am learning! This a door sign for the class I am taking at the  Royal University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh.

The view from a Tuk favorite mode of transportation : )

Roadside haircut about a shave?

My first attempt at baking in Cambodia...banana bread.  I made a little treat for the guest house I have been staying at.  If you are in the area stop on by for a taste. : )

My new best friend!  The high temperature every day has been in the 90's with very high humidity.  I glow all day long...really more of a glisten. : )
(Okay really more like drip)
My favorite moment so far... I was riding around town in a Tuk Tuk a bit overwhelmed with the smells and the noise of the city.  We came to a sweet little oasis, a park of sorts near the Royal Palace.  This park was filled with my favorite flowering tree.   A smile came as I saw the flowers...a sigh filled my soul as their sweet fragrance wafted through the air.  It was a little present for the day...I couldn't interrupt the moment to take a picture, but the memory is indelibly printed in my heart.

I am really glad to be here!