The outburst of emotion that surrounded this man's homecoming was over the top...something rarely seen in Cambodia. Viewing this from afar, without the knowing what was happening I knew this reunion was special.
A man, released, pardoned, free. Unrestrained joy, full hearts with tears flowing. The women did not want to let go of him. He pause for a moment to great me, freeing both of his hands to do so, and the women couldn't stand it. They only allowed him a couple of seconds before they were grabbing him back.
The moment of joy for me was real, but fleeting. You see the man is physically free, but not spiritually. The reason he only stopped to great me for a moment was because he was in a rush to get to the thank the gods. He didn't want to delay for fear if he didn't go and thank them something bad may befall him or his family.
The darkness runs deep here. The traditions and practices of the Khmer people are deeply rooted in the enemy of our soul. These traditions keep most Cambodians locked in darkness, serving the enemy of our soul without understanding.
But God is a work...He is revealing Himself, and Has been for generations to these trapped in the lies of the enemy. Please pray with me that many will see the Light of Jesus!!
For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6