
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news..." Romans 10:15

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Clean Water

Last month was huge in the minefield village...not only are the children washing their hands (see earlier post) but our jewelry ladies now have clean water in their homes.  We had a few weeks of simple health and hygiene lessons at the end they had the opportunity to build their own biosand water filter.

Three ladies have them up and running in their homes, the others either opted out, or had some other filter already in place.  My hope is that all of them will elect to have these in their homes in the near future.  (We also put one at the school for the children)

I like these filters for many reasons.  First being they are simple to make, they don't require much time or effort.  Second all the needed supplies are readily and inexpensively available here in Cambodia.  
 Lastly if they encounter any trouble with their filters they can easily fix or replace them, they are not dependent on anyone to have a continual supply of clean water in their homes.  

We are hopeful that others will see the benefits of clean water and that our ladies will be able to teach others how to make these filters.

 We partnered with Water for Life an amazing organization that will continue to partner with us as we move forward. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Christmas was a treat this year.  I was able to go to my three communities and celebrate with them.  We shared the Christmas story, sang Christmas songs and had good food!  The ladies really enjoyed our time...and they each got a little treat as well.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Reading the Bible Together

This couple is learning what it means to follow Jesus.  A couple of weeks ago they were given a Bible of their own.  It's hard to describe how beautiful it is to read with them.  Keep praying for their faith to grow.

 This little gal is sharp...she remembers all the Bible stories and shares them with her mom.  Her mom doesn't come to study the Bible with us anymore, but this gal comes every time she can.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hand washing

The children in the Minefield village now have an opportunity to wash their hands before lunch at school.  I am hoping that this will show the village how important clean hands are to good health.
It brings tears to my eyes every time I see this.  Amazing!