This sweet little family lives in a minefield in Cambodia.
Karla is the American woman holding the baby. She is a dear friend that took me on my first trip to the minefield.
I am sharing her experience with you.
Several months ago while visiting the Minefield Karla came across this little family. The little girl and baby on the dirt path, no mother in site, just a baby caring for a baby. This poor little 'babysitter' was traumatized when Karla took her baby sister from her. The little one was dehydrated and very lethargic.
Here is the story in Karla's words...
"We stood in the path holding this precious little baby while the 'big' sister cried. After quite a few minutes, the mother came along. Apparently, the mother left the baby with the sister to hold while she went to the market for some food. We brought the family back to our school building to make sure the baby was alright and to see if we could help the mother. We were able to give her some money to help with food and encouraged her to not leave her babies by themselves. The next day we visited the mother and she seemed to be doing better. "
Fast forward to this week...
"Today in our women's ministry time, I noticed a sweet lady smiling at me and realized it was this same mother. I was so excited to see her. After our meeting time, I talked with her and asked how she was doing and where her baby was (her older daughter was with her). With a shameful face and tears stinging her eyes, she shared that she had to give her baby to a family in the city for adoption because she just couldn't take care of her. I was stunned and not prepared for this kind of news. Don't get me wrong, I fully support and believe in adoption. But seeing the ache in this young mom's eyes was more than I could bear. The heart of THIS mother was broken."
This is just one heartbreaking story among many in Cambodia. The daily struggle to survive is more than we can imagine. Our hearts break for them...and I know their Creator's heart is moved by their struggle too. I don't know how to help these women. I have some ideas and hopes, but only Jesus knows what they need. I am looking forward to bringing Jesus to this woman and so many more just like her. He is their solution and I know He has a plan for them.
Please join me in praying. I am so longing to get to Cambodia!
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