Last month Sareth (pictured above) was imprisoned on trumped up charges. A strong man payed off local authorities and Sareth was placed in jail for 30 days. There was no understanding why this happened or when he would be released. His release came just a week or so ago with the help of a believing Senator.
This same Senator has also given a warm and passionate welcome to Cadence and our partner ministry LightBridge to come and work in Cambodia. Sareth has been welcomed back to his home in the Minefield with tears and rejoicing. The recently built school has been recognized by the Cambodian government. Ministry has been able to continue at the Minefield. Sareth has stories to tell of the Lord at work in his heart and life while he was in jail.
This strong man wanted to thwart the work the Lord is doing in this small area of Cambodia. He was trying to stop the forward progress happening in this village...which will enable these sweet people to move beyond survival and to start thriving.
What this man meant for evil, the Lord has used for good. More doors have been opened. I can hardly express how excited I am to get to Cambodia...and begin to minister to the women in this village. The Lord is at work, and I can't wait to join Him there!
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