
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news..." Romans 10:15

Monday, March 26, 2012


Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.  Acts 4:29 & 30

Right after Peter and John were questioned and challenged by the Sanhedrin, this is what they prayed.  They didn't ask for protection or peace but boldness to proclaim the Word of God.   Everything they said and did was being watched, they were a threat and their lives were in danger.  But...they prayed for Boldness.

The power of Jesus was working through them, amazing things were happening, and thousands were believing in Jesus.  The Holy Spirit gave them all boldness not only Peter and John but all the believers of this first century church.  They continued to  proclaimed the risen Lord!

I am praying for boldness too!  I am reluctant to pray this way, it is easier and safer to only pray for protection and peace.  I still pray for those as well, but I have added boldness to my prayers.  I pray that the Lord will make me a bold witness for Jesus here in Cambodia.  That He will stretch out His hand and heal...and that many will come to faith in Him because He brought me to Cambodia.  

For your Glory Lord may many women learn of you and come to follow You...all because You chose to send me to Cambodia...You chose to fill me with Yourself...and You chose to give me boldness!