
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news..." Romans 10:15

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Jewelry, Jewelry and more Jewelry...partnering with Lightbridge Int. we have launched Landmine Design

You can buy some sweet pieces online and help these ladies support their families.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

We are sewing at Camp 51 
Check out Freedom 51 in partnership with 3 Seams
Spring 2014 you will be able to purchase some of our treasures!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Another common sighting in Battambang, the ice cream man!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Currently happening in Cambodia, Katun.  The annual gathering of money for the Buddhist temples.  Every year for 30 days each temple has groups of people that collect money, food and supplies for the monks. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Some of the daily sights around Battambang!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Please join me in praying for this couple.  The wife comes every week for Bible study and the husband comes from time to time.  They have many questions about Jesus. : )

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I took a small hiatus from my desire to post a picture of the week. 
But we are back on schedule now. : )

I had a great visit in the states.  Many enjoyable things that filled my heart, mind and soul.  This is one of my favorite spots of all times.  Don't you just wish you could sit here for a while taking in the beauty and the refreshment?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Photo Shoot

Beautiful Srey Mom posing at Angkor Wat. 
 The ladies I work with in the Minefield took a field trip last week.  They experienced many firsts...first sleep on a mattress, first night with AC, first shower with running water, first trip to the Angkor Wat and more.  They loved their time...and it was fun to bless them, and give them a taste of the lavish love of God.
 Stay tuned to the Lightbridge website (the organization we partner with) for more information about Landmine Designs and how to purchase beautiful jewelry starting in the fall.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Beautiful feet in the Minefield

The ladies of the bead program had a special treat yesterday...just like most ladies they loved the pampering and the resulting beautiful feet.  Sweet Cara from Colorado washed, softened and painted each of these beautiful ladies feet, all the while praying and singing over them.  LOVE this!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sewing Center

Our Building

Bopha helping with training

I took a turn at the machine

Inga overseeing threading the machine

measure, measure, measure

Our little team!

They are doing such a good job trying out something new, only one of them has had any experience sewing.  They told us they are excited and encouraged to be part of this.  

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I am going to try something new : )  A picture of the week.  Sounds like a great idea to me, and I hope you enjoy.
apparently, I still talk with my hands

Bopha, my translator and helper in all things Cambodia 
This week you get I may not wait a week for more : 0

Cambodia continues to be a great place for life and ministry.  I couldn't do any of this without the help of Bopha.  I am so thankful that the Lord brought her into my life.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome Home

This man is being tearfully welcomed home.  He had been incarcerated for four years and was one of the 400 released by a pardon from the King of Cambodia.  

The outburst of emotion that surrounded this man's homecoming was over the top...something rarely seen in Cambodia.  Viewing this from afar, without the knowing what was happening I knew this reunion was special. 

A man, released, pardoned, free.   Unrestrained joy, full hearts with tears flowing. The women did not want to let go of him.  He pause for a moment to great me, freeing both of his hands to do so, and the women couldn't stand it.  They only allowed him a couple of seconds before they were grabbing him back.  

The moment of joy for me was real, but fleeting.  You see the man is physically free, but not spiritually.  The reason he only stopped to great me for a moment was because he was in a rush to get to the thank the gods.  He didn't want to delay for fear if he didn't go and thank them something bad may befall him or his family.

The darkness runs deep here.  The traditions and practices of the Khmer people are deeply rooted in the  enemy of our soul.    These traditions keep most Cambodians locked in darkness, serving the enemy of our soul without understanding. 

But God is a work...He is revealing Himself, and Has been for generations to these trapped in the lies of the enemy.  Please pray with me that many will see the Light of Jesus!!

For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Christmas and the New Year Celebrations

Christmas with friends in Phnom Penh.  We had a great time sharing our Christmas traditions with each other!

Five of us headed to Thailand to welcome in the New Year... we stayed a short walk from this quiet beach!

Dinner on New Years Eve!

A flying lantern after midnight, sent off into the sky with prayers that many will learn of the Light of the World because He lives in us!

Beach Picnic, thai style : )

 A beautiful spot to relax and contemplate the year ahead!